Main Street
When we sale no more lies
posted on lamp poles in the light of the sun,
maybe then we will be able to find
the strength to walk together with love
on these crowded streets.
A better future needs a truer vision.
Nothing corrupts one’s vision
more than the belief of our own lies.
Jaywalking across unmarked streets
watching our shadow move with the sun.
Our steps in a hurry, because we love
to be seen for more than we find
in our coat pockets. We never find
the right keys to unlock our true vision
of the way we want to share love
with the world. Instead we write lies
on our phones. Never noticing the sun
going down while the lights of the street
illuminate the storefronts on main street.
Crowds pass us, all face down, finding
it is easier to get lost when the sun
goes down on their dreams. Cracked visions
of past moments flicker like lies
across lips that manipulated their love.
The pain of heartbreak darkens the love
we share with the pedestrians on the street.
We wave them across with a smile, polite lies
we combine with emotional Molotov cocktails we find
stored behind our eyes. Fire and destruction is the vision
we hold in darkness, truth pierces us in the sun.
At a crosswalk, traffic lights hard to see in the sun.
We crave a seat at a cafe with the ones we love.
A better day, less traffic, a simple vision
but a more meaningful life. A map with street
names clearly marked. We would finally find
our way past the boarded up lies.
The murmur of traffic lies in the ears, away from the sun,
confusing the soul. Hard to find peace and love
in a life that shares streets with strangers without a vision.
Poetic Form #50: Sestina
The sestina form is a complicated form, so I am linking to the guidelines presented
by Writer’s Digest, “Sestina Form”.