The Wonder of...
We lost the wonder of an ordinary day,
hoping for validation in a grand moment,
believing joy appears like a comet on a winter night.
We never connect to the moment of the present.
Hoping for validation in grand moments
clouds our eyes from seeing the colors
the world is painted with. We search time
believing joy appears like a comet on a winter nights.
We wait for decades for the opportunity to know
that we are alive, that we deserve to be loved.
We never connect to the moment of the present.
To unwrap what is ours, to what has always been there,
a life filled with wonder wrapped in an ordinary bow.
Poetic Form #49: Trimeric
The trimeric form has 4 stanzas. The first stanza has 4 lines, with the other three
stanzas written with 3 lines each. The first line of the 3 stanzas is a refrain of the
corresponding line in the first stanza. The 2nd stanza starts with the second line,
third stanza starts with the third line, and the fourth stanza starts with the fourth line.
There are no other rules on line length, meter, or rhyme.
stanzas written with 3 lines each. The first line of the 3 stanzas is a refrain of the
corresponding line in the first stanza. The 2nd stanza starts with the second line,
third stanza starts with the third line, and the fourth stanza starts with the fourth line.
There are no other rules on line length, meter, or rhyme.
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