Friday, April 24, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 24: Nature

Friday Rain

The sunrise is covered by grey April clouds
Rain colder than snow
Penetrates my skin
Grass and winter’s decay mix with my coffee
Not sure if my spirit will rise today
The storm is covering my window panes
While the wind is stirring through the garage doors
Moving dust along the foundation

How do you find the sun
When yesterday looks just like tomorrow
All I want to do is run free
Dodging the rain as it follows the wind
In a frazzled way down
Down with my eyelids 
Protecting my view of today
My hair beginning to flatten to my skull
Dripping down my collar

Another gust pushes me to my left
For a second I believe I can tumble like a leaf
To be swept away, maybe to the gulf
But I step hard with my left foot
Steady my cup in both hands

My daughters call to me, with giggles
They want to know what I was doing outside
Their eyes smile in wonder, anticipating an answer
I want to tell them the truth
That I was searching to be baptized by the storm
That I was trying to recite a sacred prayer

Instead I tell them that fathers gain special powers
In a Friday rain
What powers they ask, never doubting my words
I stare at them for a few seconds
Then quietly I tell them the truth

To love you more each day

Slowly, they start to smile
My skin warming in their hugs

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