Saturday, April 18, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 18: Message

*Decided to step out of the box on this one and write a horror / suspense like poem... 
in the sense of a poem like "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning. 
Each line is nine syllables.

Miss You

Thirteen days, six hours and five minutes
since she was taken from his strong arms.
Today was the second shower he had
taken in that time. The flowers on
the counter now turning black. Petals
wilted, aroma of the death they 
were meant to console. Pieces of the
cards he tore apart mixed with the mess.
Funny how nobody called anymore.
The bathroom filled with steam, the towel
wrapped around a waist she would place her
hands on when she would surprise hug him
in the kitchen as he washed dishes.
His heart felt empty, weak, as if it
no longer wanted to beat any
type of rhythm. He held onto the 
sink, head down. Tears filling the basin.
He looked up to see if the mirror was
clear of the steam. He felt his heart race
as the words “Miss you” appeared on the
glass. The rhythm in his chest almost
broke him. He placed his left hand, ring still
there, next to the two words. He felt her 
fingers enclose his. Nobody called.


  1. this makes me want to call my gran and ask how she's doing. Nice poem, my friend.
