Believe Again
It’s early in the morning
but the sun has beat me to the sidewalk
The neighborhood is up
Figures move in kitchen windows
A jogger ahead of me
A new puppy taking its owner on a sporadic walk on the road to the left
Music playing from my earbuds
Water trickling down the curb ways
to storm drains
from last night's rain
and sprinkler systems
I enjoy the morning
like I have for 42 days now
Each day new but the same as yesterday
Ahead I see a massive puddle
at the T-junction
of Elm Drive and Sycamore
The reflection of
and houses
move across the surface as I approach
Until I am standing at the edge
and all I see is the endless blue sky
The world I’m in is now below
I pause the music
I wonder
Is this a puddle from the Wood Between Worlds?
Can Aslan see me standing there?
Like a child I become dizzy with the possibility of magic
Suddenly the wind pushes at my back
as if to say
and jump in”
Is this like platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross Station?
The water seems to hold a parallel world
Can I call the Goblin King like Sarah did?
Is the choice between a red and blue pill just in the heart?
For a minute I stand at the cusp
of reality and childhood belief
I bend my knees, just a little
The wind
again, strong at my shoulders,
Instead of pushing me
It brings white petals down from a nearby
Bradford Pear tree
Like little clouds
they populate the puddle
Crushing my own blossoming childhood view of the magical world
reflecting at my feet
I turn to face the wind
I am surrounded by the petals
Like a swarm of fairies, they bombard me
covering my shirt
One sticking to my glasses
I feel something inside my chest crack
Another gust of wind
Surrounded again in a wave of white petals
I faintly hear a lion’s roar
I bow my head in reverence of the moment
I turn back to the path I was on
I hit play
Music fills my head
But my heart takes flight as I step into the puddle
heading home