Thursday, April 30, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 30: Praise


Thank you, LOVE,
for sitting with me at this table,
on this day,
working through this mess of the puzzle
of my life.
Everyone blames you for broken hearts.
They are wrong.
You are the reason for putting it
Let’s start with the corner pieces then
the edges.
I’ve learned through time that happiness is
not the end,
but the discovery of finding the 
right pieces
of our heart. I understand now that
the box came
with extra pieces. That is the great
of living. This puzzle has different
pictures we can construct. I can’t do
it alone.
So, thank you, LOVE, for helping me with
my puzzle.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 29: Total (blank)

Total Eclipse of the Heart; Wait that Title is Taken

How many times has this word been written
or that one
or the one at the end of this line

We gather ideas like Easter Eggs
to display in our own hand basket
When placed side by side
one can see that there are no new eggs
only the arrangement differs

Every word written has seen the page before
Every letter now worn like a child’s favorite blanket

Yet, the Easter Bunny tempts us with the promise
of a golden egg
Waiting for us to find
    behind the books
    on a shelf
    tucked inside a drawer
The hunt exhilarates us
Happy in every discovered egg
    but yet
        somehow just short of total joy

But you’ve read that before

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 28: Looking Back

Like Stars

We all are walking portraits of our past
Decisions etched in the lines on our brow
Thoughts collected at the edges of our lips
One can view the storms we have endured 
In the rhythm of our gaits
Scars record the pain of violence
The slope of our shoulders reveal the weight
Of our dreams and the acceptance of others

We are like stars
Each our own unique constellation in the life sky
Moving from dawn to dusk
Remember that
When we meet face-to-face
You are gazing back in history
My past shining in front of you
Just like a star

Monday, April 27, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 27: Massive

Believe Again

It’s early in the morning
    but the sun has beat me to the sidewalk
The neighborhood is up
    Figures move in kitchen windows
A jogger ahead of me
    A new puppy taking its owner on a sporadic walk on the road to the left 
Music playing from my earbuds
Water trickling down the curb ways
    to storm drains
    from last night's rain
and sprinkler systems

I enjoy the morning
    like I have for 42 days now
Each day new but the same as yesterday
Ahead I see a massive puddle
    at the T-junction 
        of Elm Drive and Sycamore
The reflection of
    and houses
move across the surface as I approach
Until I am standing at the edge
    and all I see is the endless blue sky 
The world I’m in is now below
I pause the music
I wonder
    Is this a puddle from the Wood Between Worlds?
    Can Aslan see me standing there?
Like a child I become dizzy with the possibility of magic
    Suddenly the wind pushes at my back
        as if to say
            and jump in”
Is this like platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross Station?
The water seems to hold a parallel world
Can I call the Goblin King like Sarah did?
Is the choice between a red and blue pill just in the heart?

For a minute I stand at the cusp
    of reality and childhood belief
I bend my knees, just a little
    The wind
    again, strong at my shoulders,
Instead of pushing me
    It brings white petals down from a nearby
    Bradford Pear tree
Like little clouds
    they populate the puddle
    Crushing my own blossoming childhood view of the magical world
    reflecting at my feet
I turn to face the wind
I am surrounded by the petals
    Like a swarm of fairies, they bombard me
        covering my shirt
    One sticking to my glasses
I feel something inside my chest crack
    Another gust of wind
        Surrounded again in a wave of white petals
        I faintly hear a lion’s roar
            I bow my head in reverence of the moment

I turn back to the path I was on
    I hit play
        Music fills my head
But my heart takes flight as I step into the puddle
    heading home

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 26: Change

*An attempt at a palindrome poem.


Time is powerful.
Calendars change date.
Another alarm sounds.
Eyes open again.
Today falls fast.
Can we
We can.
Fast falls today.
Again, open eyes
sounds alarm. Another
date changes calendars.
Powerful is time.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 25: Remix

*The prompt today was to remix a poem in some way from the challenge so far.

Last Line

I am awake again, just before the witching hour
The house filled with sounds of slumber
a fan
a radio
and the troubling thoughts in my heart
My mind turns to the written word, 
the poetic muse is stretching in the darkness
Robert Frost once said that a poem should end in wisdom
I think back to the lines this month I’ve written:

… same as this new world
Like we will live forever
...both father and son
You will read the same
Of a room I built for myself
LOVE is…
A sonnet written...
He prayed as her voice faded away
I dream of better days…
Here on earth
...Nobody called.
...For this poet, it cuts like a knife.
“could be someone, be someone, be someone”
My skin warming in their hugs

I’m unsure if Frost would approve
All my words are mirrors for others to see
a reflection of our moments,
shared through my wisdom
The darkness swirls my pain with doubt
Tomorrow will take another day from me
I bring my legs underneath me
as fear makes my chest cold
Tomorrow is another day to my
last line

Friday, April 24, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 24: Nature

Friday Rain

The sunrise is covered by grey April clouds
Rain colder than snow
Penetrates my skin
Grass and winter’s decay mix with my coffee
Not sure if my spirit will rise today
The storm is covering my window panes
While the wind is stirring through the garage doors
Moving dust along the foundation

How do you find the sun
When yesterday looks just like tomorrow
All I want to do is run free
Dodging the rain as it follows the wind
In a frazzled way down
Down with my eyelids 
Protecting my view of today
My hair beginning to flatten to my skull
Dripping down my collar

Another gust pushes me to my left
For a second I believe I can tumble like a leaf
To be swept away, maybe to the gulf
But I step hard with my left foot
Steady my cup in both hands

My daughters call to me, with giggles
They want to know what I was doing outside
Their eyes smile in wonder, anticipating an answer
I want to tell them the truth
That I was searching to be baptized by the storm
That I was trying to recite a sacred prayer

Instead I tell them that fathers gain special powers
In a Friday rain
What powers they ask, never doubting my words
I stare at them for a few seconds
Then quietly I tell them the truth

To love you more each day

Slowly, they start to smile
My skin warming in their hugs

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Poetry Challenge Day 23: Social (blank)

Social Suicide

Love is
Holding hands while walking in the sunshine
But now they say
Keep      your      distance

Friendship is
Breaking bread around a table 
But now they say
No      eating      together

Parenting is
Exploring the world through experiences
But now they say
Closed      for      now

Life is
Sharing love and pain together
But now they say
Keep      your     distance
Keep            your            distance

Keep                   your                  distance
