Thursday, April 20, 2023

Day 20 PAD 2023


This poem is presented in its rough draft form for the PAD 2023 challenge and will be revised.

“A Fox’s Answer”

The sun draws back the blanket
of the night from a banquet
of flowers in a field still
with dew, until a bandit

robs the morning of silence.
A flash of red in violets’
purple, strikes a joyful chord.
A fox lord, in defiance

of the questions I have come
to ask the sun. An outcome
that is now in doubt. I’m lost
in the softness, yet still numb

from fate’s decisions for my
life. The fox stops, looks, its eyes
answers questions I do not
ask. It trots back toward the sky.

Poetic Form: Englyn Cyrch

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