Saturday, June 6, 2020

Poetic Form 3: Skeltonic Verse

To the Young Voices

Set the mic a blaze
with words that wave
and crash against 
the shores of pretense
Nothing more or less
than a voice intense
with the rhythm of pain
mixed with a story main
that calls for a tomorrow
filled with love instead of sorrow
Walk tall, we will follow
Words have power
to raise towers
that allow everyone a view
of a world we strive to
Where friendship is me and you
not dictated by unwritten rule
So set that pen to paper
Build a skyscraper
Truth won’t wait until later
We need your talent on stage
and street, love too can rage

Poetic Form #3: Skeltonic Verse

This form is named after the English poet, John Skelton (c. 1463 - 21 June 1529). The rules are simple. Lines are short with a couple of stresses. The rhymes are irregular. Alliteration and parallelism are used often in this form.

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