Thursday, June 4, 2020

100 Poetic Form Challenge

After completing the Writer's Digest Poem-A-Day challenge in April, I wanted to do something ambitious with my writing. During a couple of the prompts, a link was provided to a list of 100 different poetry forms. I attempted a few of the forms during the challenge. I enjoyed how using a form expanded my creativity and strengthen my skills. So, here I go... I will write a poem for each of the 100 forms listed from the Writer's Digest site.

I am not promising I will do this everyday, or in order. This is a personal challenge, but I hope you will join me on this adventure. Leave a comment, or write a poem in the style I use for that post. Or just enjoy reading.

Here's to 100 new poems... and the power poetry has to connect us, to understand the world and ourselves.

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