Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Collection of Very Short Stories

I have started to be more active with the Twitter hashtag #vss365. I don't write for every prompt,  but I've used the opportunity to expand my writing. I thought it would be fun to share some of the stories here. Each day has a different word to be included in the story.

They swore they would be #allies. They were too nervous to actually cut their palms to make it a blood pact, so they used their ice cream cones. 30 Years later. His hands clean, his arms scarred. They shared an ice cream cone in the hospital room. Both teary-eyed. #vss365
"Just a #request..." she said. He walked around the front of the car. He opened the door and reached his hand out. She placed her hand in his. "Anything for you, my love," he said as she stood up. She hit the garage door button as the kids rushed them. #vss365
The buzzer went off, but Kevin knew he had released the ball before the sound, it was traveling a perfect arch, but to the right. Time slowed. His heart sank as the ball faded more to the right... then banked hard off the glass, rim and in! The gym sounded like #pride #vss365

Year: 2103. The #mules were packed. It’s been 4 months. The town was quiet. His children looked at him, uncertainty welling in their eyes. The truth he felt was unspeakable, so instead he said, “We’ll be OK.” #vss365
She stood in the bathtub with her teddy bear #Enchanted. Her feet covered in flour (that made a trail back to the kitchen). The house was so quiet. She could feel the magic. In a bolt she rushed to the window to see if it worked. Nothing. She had school tomorrow. #vss365

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