Everyone says that forgiveness is for
the betterment of your heart
That forgiveness releases you to be free
I can understand that
But see, no one tells you how to find the key
or gives you the combination to the lock
if by fate
you find how to unfasten the lock
They don’t tell you how to untangle your heart from the chains
that you have spent years wrapping tightly around it
Chains of time
Chains of regrets
Chains of promises unkept
Chains of memories that just won't go away
The chains have become protection
You have used them to stop the bleeding
Wrapped them in all directions
trying to keep the blood from filling your chest
But it still drips through the links
At night you can hear each drop echo in your mind
Madness is found in the repeated noises of life
Other times the blood comes in a rush
Spilling down the stained links
Life has a way of jolting us
even on the most sunny days
So, you add another chain,
tightening it
wrenching it in place
until the pain is just a dull thumping
just behind the beat of the drips
Chains are not made to heal wounds
See, even if you get to the point of figuring out the knot of the past
till you can see your heart
How do you heal the wounds
the nicks and cuts
let alone the gashes left unattended?
How do you removed the indentations of the chains
that crisscross your story?
How do you find the faith to let your heart be unprotected?
I don’t know if I am that strong...
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